リシケシに行くと、Sri Sri Ravi Shankar(シュリ・シュリ・ラビ・シャンカール)さんの本やブロマイドをあちこちで見かけます。その類まれなる「ポージング・センス」は、一度見たら目が離せません。
ミチコ:あ!乙女ちゃん! 「乙女ちゃん」って呼んでるの。
ミチコ:うちこさんそれ、ラビ・シャンカール違い! しかもシタールだし(笑)。
●後半は組織「Art of Living」の宣伝(リンクは日本の組織サイトのヨガ解説)
His talks are unique blend of knowledge and guidance,delivered with simplicity and humour ─ a powerful,unbeatable combination that touches lives and hearts wherever heard.
まずはこれ。「ENVIROMENT & YOU」(環境とあなた)
Everything that exists on the planet is sacred.
For us,this "prakarti" and "purusha" ─ These are so sacred.
Prakarti is the concept and purusha is the spirit.
It is not just the spirit that is scared,but the instrument through which the spirit manifests itself is also sacred.
We are polluting our environment everyday, just by not being children.
A child is upset...and the next minute, he(or she) is happy! However, if you are upset, it takes time ─ a week or a month ─ for you to come back to your normal state.If you are upset, it takes such a long time for you to smile again.
Do you know the sign of good company?
Do you want to know?
I will tell you only if you want to know!The sign of good company is this:
If someone comes to you with a problem, how does he(or she) go back feeling ─ once he(or she)has spoken to you?
When people go back after talking to you, do they feel heavier, do they feel that they are falling apart, do they feel that the problem looks enormous ─ or does the person who came to you with a problem, go back feeling lighter, feeling that the problem does no exist?
If it's the second, then you are Good company!
つぎにこれ。「The Smile - a Sacred Gift」(笑顔 〜神聖な贈り物〜)
What was our first act when we came into the planet?
What was the first thing we did?
─ We took a deep breath in, and then we started crying!Do you know what our last act will be?
─ We will breathe out, and make others cry!
In between, in life, we keep crying for this and that. You have something ─ you cry.If you don't have something, then also you cry.
Then comes the memory ─ the fifth layer of life.The memory is very strange! If you're given ten compliments and one insult, what will you remember the most?
You'll forget all the ten compliments... and that one insult ─ you'll treasure as though you've got a great treasure, an award! You even promise,"I am never going to forget this thing!"
We need to work on the memory.Make a shift in the memory ─ from just holding on to the negative to looking to something positive.Then we have the sixth layer ─ the ego.The ego is that something, which has two aspects ─ the positive and the negative.
The creativity in you, the valuer in you ─ are the results of ego.At the same time, when you break down communication, when you isolate yourself, when you're in tears, when you're stressed ─ that is also ego.We do not know about the ego, and so we don't pay much attention to it.
10の褒め言葉をもらっても、1の侮辱で上書きされるメモリーって、アホか! と。
自己卑下も自己中心もエゴ。いちいちつきあってられっかい! と。
There is a secret ─ the secret of the breath.
For every rhythm of the breath, there is a corresponding emotion.You cannot handle your feelings directly, but through the breath, you can alter them, you can change them, you can create that serenity that is you ─ that is your true nature.
You communicate with everyone, freely. There is no barrier.You don't worry about what the other person is thinking,where you're concerned.
You know, we sit and worry,"What is that person thinking about me?"
Let anybody think whatever he(or she) wants to think!
Why do we have to bother ourselves?
Thoughts are not permanent.
They come and go.
Suppose someone tells you,"I love you very much!" ─ you immediately ask him(or her),"Really?".
However, if someone tells you,"I hate you!" ─ you don't ask them,"Really?"
We doubt the honesty of a person; we never doubt the dishonesty of a person.We doubt our capabilities; we never doubt our weakness.
We doubt goodness; we never doubt a bad quality in a person.Isn't this so?
とどめは、これです。「TIMELESS CONVERSATIONS」(時代を超えた人生相談)
Q:Can you exercise unconditional love towards an evil man?
First of all, by nature, there is no such thing as an "evil" man.People are evil due to misunderstanding, narrow vision or stress. Basically, there is goodness in the hearts of everyone.
God created every man in his own image.So there is nothing like an evil image or an evil man.
However, if you find somebody to be "evil",and you give him(or her)a punishment, then that punishment should also be through love.Do you see what I'm saying?
What do you do to evil people? What do you want to do to them?
You want to punish them ─ teach them a lesson, right?
Your intention is to convert an evil person into a good person
─ isn't it?
How do you do that?
─ You love them... and you teach them through love.
Love is not just about being all mushy-mushy.It's not saying,"Oh!My dear! Oh! I can't live without you!" ─ all the time.This is not love; love is not just this!
Being straightforward is also love.Being stern, when it is needed, is also love.
愛なんてそんなヤワじゃないのよ! とね。
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