

The Ideal of The Karmayogin/ Sri Aurobindo 著(その1)

The Ideal of The Karmayogin



●この本のFirst Edditionは1918年

・第1次世界大戦(1914〜1918年)9万人のインド兵士が戦死 インド門 (India Gate)に名前が刻まれている

●著者さんの状況Wikiのオーロビンド・ゴーシュ より)
「いくぶん後で、彼はインテグラル・ヨーガの実践のための一種の「指導書」として"The Mother"と題される小さな本を1928年に発表した。」

オーロビンド(著者):1872年8月15日 - 1950年12月5日
ヴィヴェーカーナンダ:1863年1月12日 - 1902年7月4日
岡倉天心1863年2月14日 - 1913年9月2日


●The Ideal of the Karmayogin
●In Either Cause
●The Awakening Soul of India
●The Doctrine of Sacrifice(←今回はここまで)
●The Process of Evolution
●The Strength of Stillness
●The Three Purushas
●The Stress of the Hidden Spirit
●The Greatness of the Individual
●The Laws of Thought (by Sister Nivedita)
●A Daily Aspiration for the Nationalist (by Sister Nivedita)

●〜ライズ、〜ライゼーションの綴りが一貫して 〜lizationではなく 〜lisation です。そのままにしておきます。

MiMi hu


■The Ideal of the Karmayogin

Pranayam and Asans,concentration,worship,ceremonies,religions practice are not themselves Yoga but only a means toward Yoga.Nor is Yoga a difficult or dangerous path,it is safe and easy to all who take refuge with the Inner Guide and Teacher.All men are potentially capable of it,for there is no man who has not strength or faith or love developed or latent in his nature,and any one of these is a sufficient staff for the Yogin.


(´・ω・`)ヨガというものはぁ〜 的な記述箇所。こう、みんなもともとはヨギ予備軍なんですよぉ、呼吸法とかアーサナ以前にね。というのがうちこも同感なところなので、ピックアップ。

■In Either Case

Faith fights for God,while Knowledge waiting for fulfilment,and so long as the latter is withheld,the former is necessary.For without indomitable Faith or inspired Wisdom no great cause can conquer.



Moreover,we have weaknesses that are still rampant and uncorrected in our midst.It is our first duty to purge these out of our hearts with a merciless surgery.If the intellectual equipment is deficient,the spiritual equipment is also far from perfect.Our leaders and our followers both require a deeper sadhana,a more direct communion with the Divine Guru and Captain of movement,an inward uplifting,a grander and more impetuous force behind thought and deed.It has been driven home to us by experience after experience,that not in the strength of a raw unmoralised Europian enthusiasm shall we conquer.Indians,it is the spirituality of India,the sadhana of India,tapasya,jnanam,shakti that must make us free and great.And these great things of the East are illrendered by their inferior English equivalents,discipline,philosophy,strength.Tapasya is more than discipline;it is the materialisation in ourselves by spiritual means of the divine energy creative,preservative and destructive.Jnanam is more than philosophy,it is the inspired and direct knowledge which comes of what our ancients called drishti,spiritual sight,.Shakti is more than strength,it is the universal energy which moves the stars,made individual.




■The Awakening Soul of India

The going forth of Vivekananda,marked out by the Master as the heroic soul destined to take the world between his two hands and change it,was the first visible sign to the world that India was awake not only to survive but conquer.Afterwards when the awakening was complete a section of the nationalist movement turned in imagination to a reconstruction of the recent pre-British past in all its details.This could not be.Inertia,the refusal to expand and alter,is what our philosophy calls tamas,and an excess of tamas tends to disintegration and disappearance.Aggression is necessary for self-preservation and when a force cases to conquer,it ceases to live ─ that which remains stationary and stands merely on the defensive,that which retires into and keeps within its own kot or base,as the now defunct Sandhya used graphically to put it,is doomed to defeat,diminution and final elimination from the living things of this world.Hinduism has always been pliable and aggressive;it has thrown itself on the attacking force,carried its potions,plundred its treasures,made its own everything of value it had and ended either in wholly annexing it or driving it out by rendering its further continuation in the country purposeless and therefore impossible.Whenever it has stood on the defensive,it has contracted within narrower limits and shown temporary signs of decay.



(´・ω・`)いままで「タマス」というのは体内の鈍性としてしか日常で意識しなかったのだけど、オーロビンドさんの本を読んでから、「なんか面倒くせぇなこの展開」と思う瞬間に「おっといけねぇ、タマスに引っ張られるところだった!」と思うようになっちゃった。心や気持ちの感覚を認識したり表わしたりするのに、グナの分類ってすごい! と毎日思います。


Once the soul of the nation was awake in religion,it was only a matter of time and opportunity for it to throw itself on all spiritual and intellectual activities in the national existence and take possession of them.The outburst of anti-Europian feeling which followed on the Partition gave the required opportunity.Anger,vindictiveness and antipathy are not in themselves laudable feelings,but God uses them for His purposes and brings good out of evil.They drove listlessness and apathy away and replaced them by energy and a powerful emotion;and that energy and emotion were seized upon by the national self and turned to the uses of the future.The anger against Europians,the vengeful turning upon their commerce and its productions,the antipathy to everything associated with them engendered a powerful stream of tendency turning away from the immediate Anglicised past,and the spirit which had already declared itself in our religious life entered in by this broad doorway into politics,and substituted a positive powerful yearning towards the national past,a still more mighty and dynamic yearning towards a truly national future.



No Indian has of so strong an instinct for from as the Bengali.In addition to the innate Vedantism of all Indian races,he has an all-powerful impulse towards delicacy,grace and strength,and it is these qualities to which the new school of art has instinctively turned in its first inception.Unable to find a perfect model in the scanty relics of old Indian art,it was only natural that it should turn to Japan for help,for delicacy and grace are there triumphant.But Japan has not the secret of expressing the deepest soul in the object,it has not the aim.And the Bengali spirit means more than the union of delicacy,grace and strength;it has the lyrical mystic impulse;it has the passion for clarity and concreteness and as in our literature,so in our art we see these tendencies emerging ─ an emotion of beauty,a nameless sweetness and spirituality pervading the clear line and form.Here too it is the free spirit of the nation beginning to emancipate itself from the foreign limitations and shackles.

古代インドのアートの中にそれを完全に見出すことはできませんが、それは日本に伝えられた形でその繊細な感覚の形跡を見ることができます。(急にネタフリ来てびっくり)でも日本には、深遠な魂をモノで表現する繊細な手法の秘伝があったわけではありません。(落とされた! 笑。いや、泣)ベンガル人の精神は、もっと包括的かつ
繊細なもので、優美で強いものだ。それはとてもロマンチック(リリカル)で魅惑的な味わいを含んでいる。われわれの文学には〜 まあとにかくほめちぎり。もう言い表せないくらいすごいってね。われわれの国家の自由、開放においても、おなじことがいえるのです(と励ます)。


Every act of the new Nationalism has been a call for suffering and self-sacrifice.Swadeshi was such a call,arbitration was such a call,national education was such a call,above all,passive resistance was such a call.None of these things can be secured expect by a general readiness to sacrifice the individual and the family to the interests of the nation.Nowadays a new call is visibly forming,the call on the higher classes to sacrifice their privileges and prejudices,as the Japanese Samurai did,for the raising up of the lower.



でも、オーロビンドさんもヴィヴェたん&天心さん時代の人だと思うと、「高3トリオ」(だっけ?)とか、そんな時代のようにすごく豪華に感じられてきて、途中からはよくわからないインドの状況なども、難しく考えずにとにかく同化しちゃえ! という感覚で読みました。
うちこはベンガル語を話すカルカッタ出身のインド人のおっさん(つか師匠)とほぼ毎週話すので、イギリスへ旅行に行く人に「大英博物館へ行きなさい。インドの大切なもの、みんなあそこにあるからね! いいのだけ、持ってったね! ケッ」とか、リアクションしにくい展開の日常インド人マインドをなんとなく刷りこまれているので、今回の記述への追いつきはそれに助けられた気がします。

このあとの後半は「で、ヨギならどのような心持ちで生きていくべきか」といった展開になってきます。まだサンスクリット語も少ししか出てこない、この章までを前半にしました。手を出してみたのはいいものの、ピックアップ転記のあとの再咀嚼のほうが大変だったよ! というシロモノなので、このシリーズはゆっくり、長期的に取り組みます。ゼイゼイ、ふうぅ〜(;´・д・)