

The Ideal of The Karmayogin/ Sri Aurobindo 著(その3)

The Ideal of The Karmayogin
「The Ideal of The Karmayogin」のなかからの紹介は、これで最終回。
今日ご紹介するのは「The Strength of Stillness」の章以降。この本の最終回の今回は、ヨギのみなさんに興味深く読んでいただける内容だと思います。呼吸についての解説から始まり、終盤になるほどギーターやウパニシャッドの解釈、精神を分解した説明に入っていく展開です。
「The Stress of the Hidden Spirit」の章以降は、もはや心理学、という領域。訳すのに難儀しましたが、オーロビンド師自身が「しっかり伝えたい」という意思を強く持っていたことが、この作業の中でビシビシ伝わってきました。

「The Strength of Stillness」の章より。

The greatest exertions are made with the breath held in;the faster the breathing,the more the dissipation of energy.He who in action can cease from breathing, ─ naturally,spontaneously, ─ is the master of Prana,the energy that acts and creates throughout the universe.It is a common experience of the Yogin that when thought ceases,breathing ceases, ─ the entire kumbhak effected by the Hathayogin with infinite trouble and gigantic effort,establishes itself easily and happily, ─ but when thought begins again,the breath resumes its activity.But when the thought flows without the resumption of the inbreathing and outbreathing,then the Prana is truly conquered.This is law of Nature.


(´・ω・`)内容自体はベーシックなハタヨガの教えなのだけど、「莫大な」という表現がgiganticだったり、このあと「which commands the harmony of life」という表現が出てきたりしていて、アキバ系ヨギにはかなり訳していて面白い部分でした。ギガ努力して、平和な生活のコマンドを手に入れるのだっ!(笑)。

In this calm,right knowledge comes.The thoughts of men are a tangle of truth and falsehood,satyam and anrtam.True perception is marred and clouded by false perception,true judgment lamed by false judgment,true imagination distorted by false imagination,true memory deceived by false memory.The activity of the mind must cease,the chitta be purified,a silence fall upon the restlessness of Prakriti,then in that calm,in that voiceless stillness illumination comes upon the mind,error begins to fall away and,so long as desire does not stir again,clarity establishes itself in the higher stratum of the consciousness compelling peace and joy in the lower.Right knowledge becomes the infallible source of right action.
Yogah karmasu kausalam.




「The Three Purushas」の章より。

The Upanishads do not deny the reality of the world but they identify it with Brahman who transcends it.He is the One without a
second;He is the All.If all is Brahman,then there can be nothing but Brahman,and therefore the existence of the all,sarvam idam,does not contradict the unity of Brahman,does not establish the reality of bheda,difference.It is one Intelligence looking at itself from a hundred view-points,each point conscious of and enjoying the existence of the others.

ウパニシャッドの思想は、世界で起こることの現実性を否定しないものですが、世界はブラフマンによって認識され、ブラフマンは世界を超越するものだといいます。それは常に「すべて」であり「最上の」ところにあり、もしブラフマンが「すべて」であるのならば、「すべてがない」こともブラフマンであり、「存在すること」もまたブラフマンである、と語られます(sarvam idam)。「ある」と「ない」の統一性を否定するものではなく、ヴェーダの現実性を打ち立てるものでもありません。それは一つの物事を100の視点から見る知力で、それぞれの視点が別の視点からの知見を楽しんでいます。

(´・ω・`)出たよインド人のお家芸、といった定番のアレではあるのですが、最後の「each point conscious of and enjoying」ってところが好き。インド哲学のすごさは、ずばりこの「エンジョイ力」!。そしてとりあえず踊ってしまうのだ〜。

These Three Purushas are described in the fifteenth chapter of Gita."There are two Purushas in the world,the aksara and the ksara,─ the ksara is all creatures,the aksara is called kutastha,the one on the summit.There is another Purusha,the highest(uttama),called also the Paramatma or Supreme spirit,who enter into the three words,(the words of susupti,svapna,jagrat,otherwise the causal,mental and physical planes of experience),and sustains them as their imperishable lord." And in the thirteenth chapter,while drawing the distinction between the lower Purusha and the higher,Sri Krishna defines more minutely the relations of God and the individual soul to Nature."Prakriti is the basic source of cause,effect and agency;the Purusha,of the sense of enjoyment of happiness and grief;for it is the soul in Nature(Purusha in Prakriti)that enjoys the threefold workings of things caused by Nature,(the play of conversation,creation and destruction;reception,reaction and resistance;illumination,misconception and obscuration;calm,work and inertia;all being different manifestations of three fundamental forces called the gunas of essential properties of Prakriti),and it is the attachment of the soul to the gunas that is the cause of birth in bodies good and evil.The highest Purusha in this body is the one who watches,who sanctions,who enjoys,who upholds,who is the mighty Lord and the Supreme Soul."


 「世界に、まず2つのプルシャがありました。aksara と ksara です。ksaraはすべての生物、aksaraは"kutastha"と呼ばれ、その頂点にあるものでした。もうひとつのプルシャ(uttama)は "Paramatma"や最高の精神と呼ばれ、3つの言葉の中に入っていき("susupti" "svapna" "jagrat" もしくは コーサル・メンタル・フィジカルといわれる言葉です)、事物の不滅をもって、3つの言葉の意味するものを維持しました」。

この第15章には、低次のプルシャと高次のプルシャの識別についての記述があります。シュリ・クリシュナは細密に、神と自然に対する個々の精神について明示しています。「プラクリティはすべての因果のもととなるもので、影響しあうもの ─ 悲しみと喜びの感覚、自然の中に存在する魂(プラクリティのなかにあるプルシャ)です。それらの3つは自然に、折り重なるように機能します。(対話すること、創造と破壊。受け入れること、反応すること、反抗すること。明るく照らすこと、誤認すること、暗くすること。落ち着くこと、はたらくこと、不活発であること。3つの違った結果のあらわすものは、グナと呼ばれるプラクリティが持つ主要な基盤の力によるものである)魂にひもづく3つのグナは、肉体の誕生においてそれが良いものになるか、悪く反映されるかの因果になるものです。肉体のなかにある最高位のプルシャは、己を見るものであり、許すものであり、楽しむものであり、支えるものであり、最高の魂をめざす力ある道筋でもあります。


The personality of the Supreme Soul is universal,not individual.Whatever is in all creatures,character,idea,imagination,experience,sensation,motion,is contained by Him as an object of spiritual enjoyment without limiting or determining Him.He is all things at once.Such a universality is necessary to support and supply individual existence.



「The Stress of the Hidden Spirit」の章より。

Therefore in all things the Hindu thinker sees the stress of the hidden spirit.We see it as Prajna,the universal Intelligence,conscious in things unconscious,active in things inert.The energy of Prajna is what the Europeans call Nature.The tree does not and cannot shape itself,the stress of the hidden Intelligence shapes it.He is in the seed of man and in that little particle of matter carries habit,character,types of emotion into the unborn child.Therefore heredity is true;but if Prajna were not concealed in the seed,heredity would be false,inexplicable,impossible.We see the same stress in the mind,heart,body of man.Because the hidden spirit urges himself on the body expresses the individuality of the man,the developing and conscious idea or varying type which is myself;therefore no two faces,no two expressions,no two thumb impressions even are entirely alike;every part of body in some way or other expresses the man.




This is the teaching of the Vedanta as we have it in its oldest from in the Upanishads. Adwaita,Vishishtadwaita,Dwaita are merely various ways of looking at the relations of the One to the Many,and none of them has the right to monopolise the name Vedanta. Adwaita is true,because the Many are only manifestations of the One. Vishishtadwaita is true because ideas are eternal and having manifested,must have manifested before and will manifest again,─ the Many are eternal in the One,only they are sometimes manifest and sometimes unmanifest. Dwaita is true,because although from one point of view the One and the Many are eternally and essentially the same,yet,from another,the idea in its manifestation is eternally different from the Intelligence in which it manifests. If Unity is eternal and unchangeable,duality is persistently recurrent.The Spitit is infinite,illimitable,eternal,and infinite,illimitable,eternal is its stress towards manifestation filling endless space with innumerable existence.



ちょっとここ訳すために洞窟へ行ってきてもよろしいでしょうか、という気分になるのだけど、OLと両立できない! せめて英語だけでももっと感覚的にわかればラクなんだろうな。
